Friday, May 04, 2007

Call the Waaaaaaaaaaaambulance...

Most people who know me know I'm not really a spiteful person but I do express my views when I feel strongly about something or I may get snarky when people are being idiots. That's my lead in to the next few paragraphs that I put on a separate blog to keep my own personal blog shiny and happy. After thinking about that a little, I decided that I can always be shiny and happy later. Besides, I love to hear what normal people think. After I copy and paste them below--I'll just sit back and let good Karma wash all over me. See... that's shiny and happy!

Here's the two entries in order of my thoughts and as I had them posted on my now deleted blog.

You've come along way baby...

... with the exception of maybe being able to be a fully recognized member at the Phoenix Country Club.
I was having dinner with my M-I-L who happens to be a member (well not really, as she's technically only the spouse of a member). Apparently, she's a bit peev'd by the large dues they pay out in return for the "we don't give a crap" about you legal mumbo jumbo the Phoenix CC has been weilding lately. You see, the Phoenix CC still has a "Men's Grill" with the "no girls allowed" policy. If you have XX chromosome then you better pick up the phone and call someone if you want service. Oh and by the way there are special hours for you to golf. I'm sure the dirty laundry list doesn't end there. All for a later blog. In the meantime, if you're a chick and have lots of $$$ and are thinking of joining a country club to take clients golfing or a place to have luncheons--you may want to consider a Country Club that doesn't blantantly discriminate against women.

Hmmmmm...wonder if Oprah could get a sandwich in the Men's Grill?

Googling Up
First I thought I should mention that I don't even golf. Nor do I belong to the Phoenix Country Club (PCC). This entry transpired out of a dinner conversation that kind of had me in disbelief. I am always into some sport or another and I don't recall ever being told what time I could participate because I was a woman. I also can't think of a time I was ever excluded in any health club, or restaurant because I was a woman. Being of a younger generation, I'm truly amazed that old stodgy ways could even exist or survive today. That thought led me to a bit of "Googling".

All I had to do is type in "Country Club discrimination" and I found a bunch of articles and shorts of case law. The strange part was that most of the articles were from 2005 or older and it seems most of the litigated cases favored the individuals bringing suit againt the Country Clubs. Just goes to show how behind the times the PCC is. The PCC seems to be making an attempt to hold on to their outdated rules/bylaws by notifying it's members that they can be expelled if they bring suit. Likely with the hopes that no one would sue because of the large initial investment they forked out and won't get back, plus the cost of litigation.

Regardless of having a "Club" status--it's still a service industry. Old ways will not appeal to new ideals and eventually someone's going to sue the pants off the PCC and win or they'll have to seriously consider changing their ways to survive.

Obviously, this is an issue my mother-in-law is dealing with as a member. I'm sure if she's not liking the tactics of the PCC, there are others as well. It's not as if EXTRA consideration is asked for--it's EQUAL consideration. I started this blog to be a voice for her and to just express how incredulous it is that a business can get away with blantant discrimination.

Here's a few articles I thought interesting. One relates to a "Men's Grille" in Louisiana. The defense of why they had one--I thought comical.

New York Times article about Louisiana Country Club Men's Grille"
Assessment by the CPA of the Hartford Golf Club
Christian Science Monitor article about growing market of women golfer's and the issues they've faced with clubs etc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How is there time for golf when my sandwich is not ready yet?