Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I'm NOT good about these things...

Ok folks... I have a SIN for which I must confess. It's the "Oh I'll remember to..." one. You know when someone you REALLY want to contact leaves a message on your phone... and then you proceed with deleting BEFORE you've written the number down. You know-- the long lost high school buddy.

Well long lost high school buddy/probably would be more if I hadn't well.... lost your phone number way back when....
I'm REACHING out to you via the web. Google up! You'll find me and if you could just call one more time, I won't be so quick to DELETE!

Oh.... I'm a bad friend. Ok, I'm NOT if you actually touch base with me. Or better yet, REACH for me.

So if you've called--please call again. I really DO want to talk to you.

And if you don't reach me--I'm sending you brainwaves...

"E" or as a slight few may know "Betsy" (Don't even think you can go somewhere with this unless you KNEW me in high school....) is here. I really DO want to talk/see you again.