Happy New Year everyone! No pictures for this blog, just commentary. Sorry. Maybe I'll snap a picture later that will make it to the blog before the end of the day.
My New Year's resolution....well, I usually don't make a New Year's resolution because I find that the "lose weight" resolution is way to convenient and rarely attainable. However, this year I have one that I think everyone can relate to. I saw a segment on
Rocketboom on "Freeganism". Basically, a group of extreme vegans who meet up outside grocery stores before the garbage trucks pull up and forage for still edible veges, fruits, and packaged foods that are just being thrown out. I witnessed them collecting Odwalla fruit juices that didn't expire for a couple of weeks. Those cost at least $3.00 for a small drink container! They also collected bags of lettuce, vegetables, fruit and baked goods that were still pristine in their packages.
I'm not willing to hang outside the local Safeway at 5:00 a.m. for free goods-- but recognize that Americans in general are huge "wasters". So my New Years resolution is to start "E-ganism". That means being less wasteful. I'll accomplish this by filling up a small "basket" at the store instead of a cart. Perhaps even walking the mile or so to the grocery store to limit how much I buy since I'll be carrying it home.
So there it is--an "E" New Year's resolution that's obtainable. Maybe you'll think it's worthy to add it to your New Year's resolution list.