Saturday, November 25, 2006

Uh oh....

I knew it would happen--I just didn't know it would happen this fast. That's right kids--the big 40 is just around the corner for me. Two days to be exact. I've decided that I should maintain a low profile and let it be like any other day. In fact, I've scheduled in my "well woman exam" for my birthday. How much fun can that be!

I don't normally blog without some type of image to go along with it, however, I just don't have an image... well at least not one to portray my current train of thought.

40.... people say that's middle age. I have noticed a few more wrinkles and the desire to retire early... like tomorrow. But other than that--I just don't feel like 40. In fact, it's got me thinking about what I could do to keep feeling like I'm not 40. Rowing is keeping me active and has been inspirational. So many of my rowing friends are older than me and they look great. Into their late 40's, 50's 60's and going on 70's they defy the norm. For sure, I'm holding onto the sport. And maybe I might add a few more...

Consciousness... Now I'm even more intent on using plastic baggies more than 3 times and recycling as much as possible. Living lightly on the earth is a major goal and not doing so is a concern. I question those that need to have more things and I look up to and admire those that are simplifying.

Health... in my 20's and 30's I worked out to keep from buying larger pants. In my late 30's and soon to be 40's I'm working out because I've discovered it actually makes me both mentally and physically younger. I'm counting on my activities and sports to get me through what I've felt will happen at some point--being diagnosed. It's no secret in my family that the cancer gene runs rampant. Staying true to my sports gives me hope that I might outrun "it". And if I can't, then at least I'll be strong enough to fight it.

Family... I don't know that I should even want to continue on to 50, 60 and beyond without them. My first real loss was losing my grandparents within a year of each other. I still miss them dearly . And despite sometimes differing veiwpoints-I might crumble without the rest of my family.

Friends... I'm not always the best friend. Neglecting to write, e-mail or call. However, my friends understand and I understand them when they are to harried to keep in touch. We never lose track of each other in mind and spirit and when we reconnect--it's as if only a day or two had passed by. They've all turned 40 before me and I'm sure they're quite happy that I've caught up to them again.

Marriage... Many my age have found that the first one didn't work out for them by 40. I feel lucky to have married for the first and last time. My best buddy and my best friend--Matt keeps me young on a day to day basis with good humor and lots of support. Even when I don't make enough money--so he can quit his job--he forgives me and takes another smack from corporate america so we can live in relative comfort.

So my friends... 40 isn't so bad for "e". I've got a good attitude, good life and good health.

Here's to 40 and beyond!

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