Saturday, April 29, 2006


Today I had a sculling meeting with a new club that I joined. I was given a sample training calendar and grimaced at the 3 days listed "Weights". Sure, I definitely know the benefits. Afterall, I was the thinnest, strongest and most healthy when I pumped iron at the MSU weight club many moons ago. But as the years went by, my weight training regime became obsolete. I do know that I need to get back to weights if I want to become a better sculler. One of the girls mentioned the website . I've been sitting here reading it and it is refreshing, funny and motivating. This chick (Kristi) cuts right to chase. I especially love her "crap list". Girlfriends--give this site a read. If anything it is funny--and maybe it will give you that motivation you're looking for to do what we all know will make us stronger now and as we creep into our golden years!

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