Wednesday, December 21, 2005

So Lucky... I've uploaded the cute pet picture instead of what my Christmas cookies looked like after they were baked. I suppose I could of skipped a picture but I'm thinking the expectation level is there. All that blog pressure! I have to admit--after cooking 3 different batches of cookies and cleaning up after--I'm beat! So why even blog??

This is why...
While baking cookies and cleaning up, I thought about how lucky I am. Lucky to have nice neighbors, nice friends, nice in-laws and out-laws, nice husband, parents, a brother who lives close by and furry friends who all get along and make me smile.

2005 has been a year of great loss.... my grandparents, Tom & Mable, and a really nice neighbor, Jean. I've taken to my grandmother's rug hooks and feel her watching me as I try and finish her unfinished projects. My neighbor Jean hopefully was smiling when I used one of her big glass blown plates for cookie baking. I found it discarded in a dumpster outside her house after her kids cleaned it out. I know she would have gotten a kick out the fact that was I willing to dig through a dumpster to save something that she might have liked too.

It's the little things that keep the people we love close-- even when they're gone. I'm looking forward to 2006 but I won't forget those that won't be joining me and who meant so much to me.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all my family, friends & neighbors. I'm honored to start a new year with all of you!

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