Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Hot Head Regatta

It was a beautiful day for the Hot Head Regatta on Tempe Town Lake which was last Saturday, October 29th. The Hot Head is a "head race" which is best time wins. It was 2.75 miles long. We were a bit far out for the spouse to snap any good pictures. My double scull partner, Julie Busskohl and I got a 1st place Master Women' Novice 2X medal. However, because there were no other novice double scullers we only had ourselves to beat! We only have 2 months left before we are no longer Novice status and our time was comparable to the first place finishers in the non-novice race so they will be looking for us at the next race!

1 comment:

dogmom2six said...

Congratulations E!